Welcome to Mal Municipality
Malbazar is a nice and prospective town in Jalpaiguri district. The town located about 64 KM. From Jalpaiguri Sadar and 54 KM. Away from Siliguri.The town was a recognized as a municipal town in the year 1989 and became a Sub divisional town in the year 2000.It is real, that the town has no historical reorganization but the town has also a long processing heritage. The town surrounded by 34 numbers of teagarden and two gram panchayet. It has come under limelight in last phase of 19th century when tea industries were introduced in this area.
The town has a historical background, which is very interesting and attractive. From the 1st. decade of 19th century the British were finding a way towards China through Bhutan. Actually fact was, the British were interested to make a trade relation with China for tea and other commodities. They were fortunate enough that , they got an invitation from Cooch-Bihar King to rule down the Bhutan. As a result of that, the British Army came into this area and found five routes to fight against Bhutan.These five routes known as five doors. Later on this place known Dooars. Dooars where Mal bazaar is located the place once was under kind control of Cooch- Bihar state (most probably upto second half on 18th century) then the place came under control of Bhutan. After the 3rd battle of Endo-Bhutan the British had occupied Dooars from the Bhutan.
When this was came under the control of British rule then British planters were interested for plantation of tea. In the year 1957, (Oct-Steel) a British Plantation Company founded Gajal Doba Tea garden. There after with in the next few years about 20 tea gardens established. The British were brought the tribal people from Ranchi and Santal Parganas for tea plantation as a labour. This event was a Misery but also heritage of Dooars.Actually fact is here, when British Army came into Dooars to fight against Bhutan they found a high land just beside a small hully river which was a trading place of Bhutanise. There was few artificial mad high land where Bhutanise were keeping their goods. The place were 26 KM. Far form a Bhutan Fort ( Dalim Fort, Now located near Ambiok T.G.) and adjoining same located village. The place was a barred area except some people’s residence. (Reference Map Pg No 45)

Swapan Saha
Contact No. 9434110303
Email: malchairment@gmail.com
Future Plan
The municipality envisions Malbazar as a sustainable, culturally sensitive and responsible community having a healthy civil climate in which infrastructure is adaptively reutilized through resurgence and re-planning, with special focus on renewable energy and promoting pro-poor local self governance through participatory approach and decentralized incremental development, to achieve economic self-reliance for all and ultimately become exemplary managers of our future and finally development of the town as a major tourist transitional nodal point.